Kainos Church
A community of home-churches in the Portland Metro finding fresh & fulfilled life in Jesus.

[ki-nas] noun
Of a new kind, unused, unworn.
Kainos is an ancient Greek word (a language that some of the Bible is written in) meaning new or fresh.
We are seeking something fresh.
Perhaps you are too—the fresh air of the pacific northwest, a new job or hobby, the ability to leave your past culture for a different life experience.
In this search, we have found that Jesus offers a fresh, new, unique way of life. That 2,000 years ago when He came to earth, He brought with him a promise of something kainos—something new that has relevance to our lives today.
We want to unload unnecessary religious baggage to find the beauty of the gospel so that we might experience the fresh and fulfilled life He intended us to live—together.
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